
Are you an entrepreneur who needs help with your writing? Maybe your writing skills are not as strong as you’d like them to be, or you need help making your message more concise, to the point and powerful. Maybe you need a copy editor or a proofreader. I can help you.

Or maybe you’re a small business owner looking for information on how to grow your repeat business and referrals. Are you spending a ton of money on advertising and marketing with not much to show for it? I can help.

My love of writing and marketing fuel my passion of helping small business owners to grow their business. I get excited when I can help them keep more of their hard-earned money in their bank accounts so that they can not only have the freedom of working for themselves, but the money to enjoy that freedom. My experience of being a business owner gives me the understanding of what you need in terms of support and accountability.

My Story (Click here to read)

What People Are Saying...

I thought my writing was pretty good until I saw the corrections Suzanne made. I loved watching her correct my writing and learning why she was doing what she was doing. Her work will be on my website.

Marci Nedialkov

Suzanne is amazing at what she does!! She has been helping me with my copy. You can totally feel her passion for what she does and she is great at it!! So happy that this course brought us together!

Leslie D. Gutzke

What I'm doing currently...

Today, I continue to immerse myself in marketing - I read books, do courses, attend seminars, webinars and networking meetings. I meet with folks just like you who are looking for fresh ideas for growing their business while trying to achieve work-life balance, and I facilitate a mastermind group that meets twice per month. To learn more about the mastermind, please contact me.

36 years as a writer
21 years as a business owner

Do you have questions or need a quote?

Get in touch with me! I'll be in contact with you within 24 hours.


Before working with Suzanne, I edited my manuscript twice. Then I had my husband read through it for errors. I felt good about my work before working with Suzanne, but knew that there would be a great deal more grammar issues revealed.

Suzanne spends extra effort in getting to know the writer, the intent of the piece, and spends extra time outlining grammar improvements through changes, comments, and questions to ensure that your manuscript is the best it can be for your intended audience.

I would recommend her to anyone who is writing a piece that needs to be polished and clean, such as writers, authors, bloggers, and business professionals. I love Suzanne's sense of humor and perspective. It ensures a fun working experience and piece that is highly effective.

You will not be disappointed working with Suzanne. She cares deeply about you and what you are writing. She goes the extra mile to clarify, suggest, and comment on your work. She is prompt in her replies, if you have questions and will ensure your piece is completed within your needed timeline.

Kristi Richardson

"They are really nice...especially like the ones with the watercolor background...they really pop!"

Jean Meyer

I am a Personal Development Coach and a DFY content creator, and I have enjoyed creating graphics since 1998.

Before Suzanne's class, my graphics were ok, but I really needed more tips on differentiating them. I didn't realize that there could be legal issues with using certain quotes, I wasn't aware of other apps besides Canva, and I had not heard about the photo websites Suzanne shared.

I would recommend this class to anyone who uses social media for their business on social media and who wants their graphics to pop and grab attention. I would also recommend it for anyone looking to add skills to their toolbox.

Suzanne's class will will really boost your confidence AND how people see your business. It has inspired me today and brought me so much positivity to my week!

Susan Peters-Chesley - Personal Development Coach & DFY Graphics and Templates Creator

"I have to tell you that your social media graphics are absolutely beautiful! I'm so pleased with this purchase."

Marie Patten

I teach my clients how to use Private Label Rights in their businesses.

Before taking Suzanne's course, I was confident enough to create social media graphics and blog post images but nothing else, so I would have considered myself a novice with regards to graphics creation.

I loved the bonus materials that were provided in the premium course. I also liked the overall presentation and easy layout of the course. I also liked that Suzanne is teaching how to create a lead magnet and how to create infographics. Both of these are valuable ways for business owners to grow their reach.

I would recommend this course for anyone who is struggling with how to create images.

Rachel Youngson - PLR Creator

Suzanne is amazing at what she does!! She has been helping me with my copy. You can totally feel her passion for what she does and she is great at it!! So happy that this course has brought us together!

Leslie D. Gutzke

"Thank you for the motivational posters. They are precious!"

Elizabeth Neal - Blogger

Will pay for itself within the first week

Before Suzanne's course I did the best I could with making graphics. I worked with a few of the platforms and did very limited type of functions. I knew I needed to use graphics in my business, so I tried to post something on a daily basis, at least on Instagram. There is just so much more now that I know that I can do that I didn't know before.

One of the largest takeaways I received was the ability to layer in Canva that gives you a Photoshop effect without having to use Photoshop. I also really enjoyed the Pinterest lesson. Every single one of the modules is valuable.

This course is perfect for anyone who wants to sharpen their skills in Canva and make their work look amazing and very professional without having to spend money.

The investment you make in this course will pay for itself within the first week or the first few times that you actually use it, because your graphics will look so much better. You will attract more people to your business which will convert into more sales.

Dr. Marilyn Johnson, N.D. - Atlanta, GA

New level of confidence

I had tried to make things on Canva before I took Suzanne's course, but I always felt like I didn't have the tips and tricks that were going to get me the professional results I wanted. After going through the course, I could see, step by step, how to pull together a polished looking result.

I would recommend this course for anyone who wants to up their game and feel like they have put something out into the online space that looks like a pro did it! You will have a new level of confidence after completing this course.

Carolyn Phillips - Vancouver, Canada

I thought my writing was pretty good until I saw the corrections she made. I loved watching her correct my writing and learning why she was doing what she was doing. Her work will be on my website.

Marci Nedialkov